Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Want To Learn The Most Charming Percussive Moves? Go Belly Dancing

Belly dance is perhaps the most sensuous form of dance known for its aesthetic moves. Belly dance also gives surprising results in terms of elevated levels of confidence and charm in one’s personality when she learns lively percussive movements.

Let’s dive into the history of this beautiful dance form.

History of Belly Dancing

Belly dance is a Western-influenced name for a kind of Middle East dance form. Initially a "solo, improvised dance from consisting of torso articulation", it now takes diverse forms. The variations are affected by the cultures surrounding a particular country or region in terms of costume and dance style.

Where to learn the best belly dance moves in Dubai?

You will perhaps want to learn everything from fluid movements to intricate shimmies which completes a well-articulated belly dance form. There is no better place than our belly dance class in Dubai where you will learn all the belly dance lessons from experts.

What you’ll learn?

Percussive movements- 

These are also known as staccato movements which are most commonly of the hips. These are vital aspects of belly dance. Typical movements include hip drops, vertical hip rocks, outwards hip hits, hip lifts and hip twists.

Fluid movements- 

Here you will learn to sway your body with sinuous movements interpret your agility to flow with melodic lines and lyrical sections in the music, thus impressing everyone once you master it.

In addition to basic torso movements, you will learn many styles from travelling steps and turns to incredible spins!