Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Wanna Learn Break Dance? Here Are Few Steps

Break dance is one of the most wonderful body dance forms. Dance aficionados have been practicing break dance since its inception in U.S. in 1969. Break dance incidentally also favored evolution of the hip hop culture.

Here are few steps which will make you dance to the groove.

Fundamental Break Dance Movements:

Some basic break dance moves which you can start with are:
Top Rock- Top rock is the basic warm-up hop step. One can do power step, side step, or boyoing. (You can even sway your hands open making you feel a free-bird.)-

The Footwork- This is basic dance step which focuses on your foot works. Here you can also do coffee grinder, kick-outs and zulu spins. Begin with the coolest yet easiest 6-step. Basically the 6-step requires you to place your one hand over the floor while you circle around the ground. The following illustrations will guide you. Go step-by-step following the illustrations-

Now do it again from the start and with some practice you will master the art!

Floor Rocks– Floor rocks involve doing steps where your body will touch the floor. The variations are steps like belly swim, scissors, side slide or body glide.

Power Moves (The climax) - Now being the climax, the power moves are the ultimate source of the exhilaration you can experience from break dance. The power mo¬ves involve moves like wind mill, back spin and flare. Click here to see an invigorating video which will give you a fair idea about power moves.